Thursday, March 1, 2007

Favorite things of the week

I know I'm not Oprah, but I thought you might like to hear some of the cool things going on in my world during the past 7 days:
  • Favorite celeb sighting of the week: Nick from "Survivor: Outback". I haven't met very many celebrities, but last Thursday at a fundraising event for Project U (see below), I met Nick from "Survivor: Outback". Nick's a cool guy with an interesting life (he was also a prosecuting attorney on the Watada case).
  • Favorite fundraiser: Project U at the Melting Pot in Tacoma. Chocolate fondue with strawberries? Supporting a good cause and meeting cool people? How could I say no?

  • Favorite Starbucks beverage: Tall, 1 pump sugar-free Cinnamon Dulce, nonfat, no-whip mocha. Whew! What a mouthful ... does that mean I'm high maintenance? Or just an original?

  • Favorite celebration: My sister's 25th birthday is today! Congrats, sis, on making it to a quarter century. :)

  • Favorite CD of the moment: "Albertine" by Brooke Fraser. Some of you may not be familiar with Brooke, but I was introduced to her music last year by a friend from New Zealand. She also sings on the Hillsong "United We Stand" album ("None But Jesus"). Her CD isn't even available in the States, but I special ordered it because I loved her last one so much.

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