Yesterday I was listening to a new CD called "You, Me and the World" by one of my all-time favorite musicians, Dave Barnes. Besides amazing vocals and guitar, one of the things I love about his music is the lyrics--embedded with messages about love, justice and faith.
The first song on the CD is titled "Brothers and Sisters" and has this line I love--"Isn't love generosity?"
The whole song is about justice in action--a topic on my heart and one I've seen in the hearts of my church and Christian friends around the world.
And as if the song wasn't reminder enough [this is how God speaks to me sometimes...repeatedly to make sure I get the message :) ], I was doing my regular reading and saw these verses:
The way we know we've been transferred from death to life
is that we love our brothers and sisters.
Anyone who doesn't love is as good as dead.
...Let's not just talk about love;
let's practice real love.
This is the only way we'll know we're living truly,
living in God's reality.
It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism,
even when there is something to it.
For God is greater than our worried hearts
and knows more about us than we do ourselves.
(I John 3:14-15, 18-20 - The Message)
I love this passage...but noticed that the last few lines seem a bid odd at first glance.
What does shutting down self-criticism and overcoming worry have to do with love?
Maybe the passage is saying that to really love others God's way, we have to "get over" ourselves. Love requires faith. We have to trust that God can make a difference through us--even though we're imperfect. We have to believe He's with us and will help us overcome the barriers to practical love--like fear, lack of financial resources or even prejudicial stereotypes.
When we do that, in the catchy rhythm of Dave Barnes' new song, "I believe that we can change the world."
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