Thursday, July 3, 2008

The not-so-basic break-up

Ironically, I was thinking the other day about the fact that sometimes I think too much.

It is a common pattern a girl crazy in hope. Maybe it's the writer in me that creates real-life stories that seem to make perfect sense ... to me anyway. :)

The problem? What I'll refer to as the not-so-basic break-up. I'm not talking about breaking up with a guy. The kind of break-up I'm referring to here is a break-up of ideals--like when something you thought was solid seems to evaporate and you're left wondering, "Did that really happen? Why? How could I have been so wrong about XYZ?"

As I was thinking, I read this passage in Joshua where these words stood out to me:

Not one word failed
from all the good words
God spoke
to the house of Israel.
Everything came out right.
(Joshua 21:45 - The Message)

My thoughts and ideals may fail me and others, but not one word of God ever fails. Ever. God speaks even when I tune Him out (unintentionally most of the time). But no matter what, His promises will come true--and if I follow Him with my whole heart (and head), things will work out right.

That seems simple enough to write and even to say--like a Sunday School-safe, politically correct kind of thing. The hard part is really believing it and actually walking it out, walking in a way where I totally trust God more than my own strength.

It's a teeter-totter of balance because God gave me a brain to use, but He also gave me (and every Christian) the Holy Spirit (the voice inside that believers often attribute to conscience, womens' intuition or a gut feeling).

Though this may not be the most amazing post I've ever written, it's an important topic I'm trying to work out. Maybe I should just let go and stop thinking--at least for now.

Related posts:

Random note - As I wrote this post today, I forgot about these older posts (which I just re-read for good measure). This is definitely something I'm continually working on and chances are, it might be affecting you, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep working on it, Jonita - it's the right journey. With the years I appreciate more and more the notion of the "living Word". I hear things in the verses today I never understood before. All part of the journey when your heart is open.

Thank you for the kind remark on A Catholic Photographer blog. I drop the photos into blogger more as a prayer than anything else - hoping God is watching!