As I sat channel-surfing the evening news, this statement caught my attention. I'm relatively new to working in the investment industry. But the past few weeks, it's been interesting to see how fear plays such a key role in the financial markets...and in our everyday lives.
Take public speaking, for example. Statistics show us that people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. Seriously. But consider how much of our lives is determined by how well we speak and project confidence to others--in a job interview, on a first date, when talking to others about God?
The importance of confidence? HUGE!
One thing I've thought about lately is that in times of uncertainty, it's important to know what or who you can be confident in. What do you really know for sure? What (or who) can you really trust?
I love that the Bible speaks to our everyday needs and emotions. This past weekend, our pastor read this verse that I wish so many Christians, investors, women, men, teenagers really believed as true:
So do not throw away your confidence;
it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere
so that when you have done the will of God,
you will receive what he has promised.
(Hebrews 10:35-36)
God doesn't promise that life will be without problems or uncertainty. But He does promise to be there with us--to be the same, unchanging good, loving, gracious God every single moment of every single day. He promises that if we follow His word and walk in His will, we'll receive the benefits of what he's promised us.
Of all things to have confidence in, being confident in God and His promises sounds pretty good to me.
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