Sunday, February 25, 2007

"He knows me best and loves me most."

A few years ago, I was writing an article around Valentine's Day. I interviewed couples who had been happily married, most for 10 years or more. I asked one woman, "What do you appreciate most about your husband?"

"He knows me best and loves me most."

There was something about her answer that resonated with me. I haven't had a relationship like that (yet) with a guy, but I think her answer sums up how God sees all of us ... so I did some digging through the Bible to find out more.

There's really too much to include in this short blog entry, but I'll include some of the thoughts I gathered:

This may seem simple, but it can be really life-changing if it's taken to heart. If God sees us as valuable, why do we doubt our worth? If He sees us as good, why do we overemphasize our imperfections or compare ourselves to others?

I don't have all the answers, but I do believe that how I see God shapes how I see myself and the world around me. If I really understand how He sees me--how he sees humanity--my own view of myself and others is clearer.

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