"Who am I...really?" is a basic question that usually comes with not-so-basic answers. And I think it's a question many people...and even companies...are asking right now.
Take Starbucks, for example. It's a huge global company with thousands of employees, millions of customers and billions of dollars in revenue. But last month, I sat in a room with Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz (yup, that's us pictured above!). It was a regular-sized Starbucks store with about 50 regular "Joe"s (and "Jo"s, too--if you count me!) in the middle of Lakewood, Washington--a town known for its strange mix of gangs, mansions and military.
Why was I there? Because Starbucks is searching. It's looking for ideas, feedback and even criticism from regular people--Starbucks is feeling a bit lost. For the first time in its history, Starbucks' profits are down, stores are closing and baristas are losing their jobs.
Likewise, I think there are many people in society--average "Joe"s and "Jo"s if you will--that have been shaken lately. They feel lost without their jobs, their savings, the "stuff" they can't afford anymore. Some have lost their foundation--a belief they could do anything themselves--or that money, a fancy title or "stuff" defined them.
In some ways, that questioning, that shaken spirit is frightening. It can be scary. But I also believe it could help people change their lives (or companies change their focus) for the better.
Why? Because sometimes we need to get back to asking and answering basic questions. Here's some that I hope people are considering:
- What do I believe?
- How are my beliefs reflected in my actions? In how I spend time? How I talk? How I spend money?
- What are my non-negotiables--the things I know for sure and won't compromise on?
- Who (or what) do I love...really?
- What am I passionate about? What are things I hate?
- What's my purpose?
- What are my strengths?
- What do I want to be remembered for?
- What do I need to get rid of?
- What do I need to change?
- What does the Bible say about who and what God is passionate about? Who does God love? What are things God loves? What are things God hates?
- What's God's purpose for this planet? For people? For the Church globally?
- What does the Bible say about how God views me?
- How can I partner with God--using the passion and strenghs He's given me--to fulfill His purpose?
- Is there something I need to change or give up, so that I can be the person God wants me to be?
I believe this season in history will have a serious impact on the destiny of people, companies and religions worldwide.
Most importantly, I pray that we as Christians will be bold enough to start helping others ask the questions, search for answers and find truth in Christ and a family of believers (called the Church).
One thing I know for sure? Live the questions by pursuing truth with all you've got. Because God is the source of truth. And knowing Him--and the truth of His Word--is the only way to find freedom.
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