Thursday, March 15, 2007

Danger: You've Reached the Comfort Zone

"People should get out of their comfort zones on a daily basis. Take up knitting and boxing. It will make you so much more interesting."

- Raymond Lawson, Starbucks customer from Aurora, Illinois

It’s amazing what you can get for $2.67—a mocha and an epiphany (thanks to Starbucks!). The quote above appeared on my coffee cup yesterday morning and it made me think...what am I doing to get out of my comfort zone?

A Bumpy Ride Ahead ...
I should caveat this entry by saying that I'm definitely not a risk-taker by nature. For me, risk-taking probably isn't bungee jumping ... but something like trying the vegetables I've avoided my entire life or different types of ethnic cuisine (cauliflower or curry anyone?).

So what have I done in the last year (or what am I planning to do) to step out of my comfort zone?
  • Fly on an airplane and go on a trip all by myself (I did this for the first time last February and survived--L.A. taxi trips and all).
  • Attend a Greek festival (Did you know they really say, "Opa!"?)
  • Cook asparagus. This was a major milestone for the one girl on the planet afraid of salad. :)
  • Go to a rodeo. Yee haw! I ventured to the good old Puyallup Fair this fall with some friends and had a great time watching some people with some serious courage.
  • Ride a horse. My Little Sister (from Big Brothers, Big Sisters) and I are going horseback riding in April--and I haven't done that since I was about 7.
  • Make more new friends. By nature, I like to have a few friends that are really close. But it's also cool to have a bigger group of friends that are different from me, that help me learn from or share new experiences with. Making new friends takes time, work and effort--but it's worth it.

Stepping out of my comfort zone isn't really about trying to be more interesting--it's about challenging myself to grow and experience new things. In fact, I think it's that characteristic--that desire to grow and try new things--that makes people interesting.

So try boxing. Take up snowboarding. Or try some asparagus ... you'll be better for it.


Anonymous said...

Did you eat any of the asparagus you cooked?

-Health Nazi

Jonita said...

Yes--it's actually pretty good. My sister (Martha Stewart undercover) roasted it with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper. I think not overcooking it is key...but I am warming up to green foods. :)