Saturday, June 28, 2008

10 things that will NOT be part of my wedding

'Tis the season--for weddings, that is. In such a season, many single girls think about their wedding day details. Some collect magazine clippings and build personal portfolios of what their Big Day will be like.

I'm not one of those girls. (But kudos to them for their organization).

Don't get me wrong--I have pretty strong ideas for what I want in the most important details (the guy, the marriage), but not so much the other stuff (outside or inside? sparkly glam dress or sophisticated simplicity?). However, I thought in the middle of wedding season, it might be fun to share some of the things that will NOT be part of my wedding day. So here goes (in no particular order)...

1. Invitations that read "Bring your own bucket of chicken!" (Sorry, Britney Spears!)

2. Pink. The singer, the color or pants with this word written across the bum.

3. Bagpipes (or the guy in this picture for that matter). Anyone that really knows me knows that I love music. But I honestly think that some instruments really might be from the Devil. :)

4. The chicken dance.

5. Vegas.

6. Accordians. (See number 3.)

7. "Butterfly kisses" - Sorry, Mom, I know you once loved this song...

8. Karaoke - Yes, my extended family does include many people who are musically talented. But it also includes some who do I say this?...musically bold (especially after alcohol).

*Random sidenote: Doesn't this pic look like a guy with a mullet? I think they may also be particularly predisposed to karaoke...I'm picturing "Achy Breaky Heart" here. :)

9. Shotguns. Enough said.

10. Rollerskates. Because as much as I enjoyed my last visit to the ER, I hope it's not repeated any time soon.

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1 comment:

Cee ♥ said...

Jonita - this post made me laugh SO HARD! you are awesome!